

The Russian designer who created one of the world's most prolific killing machines is said to have wrestled with remorse before his death. Mikhail Kalashnikov invented the AK-47 assault rifle that bears his name. Kalashnikov was 94 when he…


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 焼魚の定食 夕 うどん、ミックス野菜サラダ、キャベツ千切り豚肉の味噌漬け(を焼いた)


Incumbent Mayor Susumu Inamine of Okinawa's Nago City won reelection on Sunday. He strongly opposes moving a controversial U.S. military base to his city. The 68-year-old Inamine and his supporters gathered to celebrate the victory. Inamin…


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 うどん 夕 ご飯、タマゴスープ、豚肉の味噌漬け(を焼いた)、ポテトサラダ


U.S. President Barack Obama announced changes to how intelligence is gathered in a major speech he gave at the Department of Justice on Friday.(Barack Obama / U.S. President) "I believe we need a new approach. I am therefore ordering a tra…


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 フライの定食 夕 ご飯、わかめスープ、ワカサギの佃煮、千切りキャベツ、ポテトサラダ、春雨サラダ、一口カツ(二個)


The world-famous London black cabs will be going green. The mayor of the city has announced plans to start replacing all London taxis with the zero-emission model from 2018. Mayor Boris Johnson made the announcement at a taxi exhibition. H…


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 味噌ラーメン 夕 カレーライス


Egypt's election commission says more than 98 percent of the voters who took part in this month's referendum approved a draft constitution for the country. The military ousted President Mohamed Morsi and suspended an earlier draft in July …


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 味噌ラーメン 夕 チャーハン、ミックス野菜サラダ、春雨サラダ、ワンタンスープ


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 お赤飯、ハムとピーマンの炒め物、春雨サラダ、ピリ辛胡瓜(鶏肉入り) 夕 ネギトロ丼


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 天ぷら 夕 ごはん、ポテトサラダ、キャベツ千切り、フレンチフライ、ハムとピーマンの炒め物、卵焼き


A U.S. judge has ordered a painting bought for seven dollars at a flea market to be returned to the museum where it was stolen. Experts say it's the work of the French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir. It disappeared more than 60 years …


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 ラーメン、おにぎり一個 夕 ごはん、ポテトサラダ、キャベツ千切り、カルビとニンニクの芽の炒め物、豚肉を焼いたもの(味噌漬け)


Japanese soccer player Keisuke Honda has made the squad with Italy's prestigious club AC Milan for the next match. If chosen to play, he will make his Italian debut. AC Milan announced that Honda is among the 23 players called up for Sunda…


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 かき揚げ定食 夕 春雨スープ、ごはん、ポテトサラダ、キャベツ千切り、カルビとニンニクの芽の炒め物、焼豚


A potential Republican contender for the White House is trying to limit the damage of a scandal. Chris Christie is the governor of New Jersey. One of his aides is accused of orchestrating a traffic jam to pursue a political vendetta. U.S. …


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朝 ジャムサンド、コーヒー一杯、バナナ一本 昼 うどん 夕 春雨スープ、ミックス野菜サラダ、ポテトサラダ、春雨サラダ、キャベツ千切り、一口カツ(一つ)、焼豚(二枚)


Visitors to one of North America's natural wonders are enjoying a rare spectacle. Parts of Niagara Falls are frozen solid. Record low temperatures turned the roaring rapids to ice at the top and bottom.(Visitors) "It's beautiful. We don't …


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