An internationally acclaimed Japanese novelist has offered words of encouragement to pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. Haruki Murakami made the comment at an awards ceremony in Germany.
Murakami was in Berlin to receive the Welt Literature Prize from the German daily newspaper Die Welt. He is the first Japanese novelist to be awarded the prize.
In a speech, Murakami referred to the Berlin Wall, which was pulled down 25 years ago. He said he expected that peace in the world would prevail. He then drew a parallel between conflicts around the world. He said race, religion, intolerance, fundamentalism, greed and fear are the walls that drive people apart, and that they still exist.

(Haruki Murakami)
"The actual feeling is that you are free, that if you want to, you can pass through the wall and go anywhere you like. I want to treasure that above all and write as many stories as I can."

He concluded his speech by saying he'd like to send out a message to the young people in Hong Kong who are struggling with their own wall at this moment.