Japan and South Korea have come to a preliminary agreement on measures to support those referred to as wartime comfort women. Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida has spoken to his South Korean counterpart, Yun Byung-se, by phone.

(Fumio Kishida / Japanese Foreign Minister)
"We came to a basic agreement with South Korea on the scope of the foundation's activities. I believe the South Korean government will sincerely execute the agreement between our countries."

Kishida says he presumes that, under the agreement reached earlier in the day, Japanese funding will go to medical and nursing care. Kishida reiterated that there is no change in Japan's position that the matter of claims of compensation in connection to comfort women has already been legally settled. He added that Japan will proceed to swiftly disburse the funds for the foundation. Japan is to contribute one billion yen, or about 9.8 million dollars.