An event featuring the history of sushi in U.S. food culture entertained visitors at a museum in Washington.
The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History held an exhibition featuring Japanese sushi. Chefs demonstrated sushi-making techniques, and visitors had a chance to taste a variety of their creations.
A panel discussed how sushi was introduced into the U.S. Participants said after the media began reporting on the dish in the 1980s, it quickly became a favorite of average Americans.
Kaz Okochi runs a sushi restaurant in Washington. He demonstrated how to make sushi rolls. Okochi calls the food the embodiment of Japan's simple and extremely precise culture. However, he added it can vary depending on the environment and availability of fresh ingredients.

"I learned that sushi is a culinary art. It's a very complicated process, but it's delicious."

About 200 people enjoyed sushi at the evening event.