Managers at dozens of boutique Japanese firms are getting a helping hand. They've made it onto a list of companies that will receive government money to pursue their distinctive work.
Officials at the industry ministry held a ceremony to honor 100 so-called global niche firms with a large market share in their fields.
The people at Tokyo-based Mizuho were among the recipients. They manufacture clips used in surgery to treat swelling in the brain. They've designed the clips to stop blood flow and prevent bursting. They have to make them with a high degree of precision to ensure they don't damage cells or nerves. Mizuho controls 40 percent of its market.
The people at KTX make auto part molds with a technology called "electroforming." This enables them to create patterns resembling wood grain on plastic surfaces. They use it to make interior parts for luxury cars.

(Yasuyoshi Noda / President, KTX)
"Emerging countries will eventually start to make automobiles. We want to move into those markets, using the know-how we've built up through our work. The big firms are reluctant to go into a niche area like ours."

Ministry officials plan to promote the firms as examples of companies that are succeeding overseas.

boutique / boutique firms / small-and-medium-sized companies / helping hand / get a helping hand / receive a helping hand / make it / pursue / distinctive / industry ministry / honor /so-called / manufacture / surgery / swell / swelling in the brain / design / blood flow / burst / degree / high degree of precision / ensure / insure / cell / nerve / auto part / mold / electroforming / enable / resemble / wood grain / wood-grain steering wheel / interior parts / luxury car / emerging country / eventually / build up / reluctant / promote / succeed